Opera for children Mammy Moo is a story about Mammy Moo – a romantic and adventurous cow who decided she wanted to climb the trees and about the Crow – a bird solidly walking on earth. Also, it is a tale about the friendship of these two creatures. The tale is narrated by a joyful orchestra, snappy conductor and, sure enough, by Mammy Moo and Crow.
After a fairy tale Mamma Moo Climbs the Trees by Swedish authors Jujja and Tomas Wieslander
Translated into Lithuanian by Raimonda Jonkutė (Publisher “Nieko rimto”)
Libretto by Antanas Šimkus
Composer Sigitas Mickis
Director Agnė Sunklodaitė
Set designer Ramunė Skrebūnaitė
Conductor – Šarūnas Čepulis (bass-baritone)
Cow – Akvilė Kalinaitė (contralto)
Crow – Milda Tubelytė (mezzo-soprano)
Justina Orlovskytė (soprano saxophone)
Justinas Ladyga (trombone)
Ingrida Spalinskaitė (percussion)
Marija Grikevičiūtė (piano)
Toma Bandzaitytė (violin)
Gabrielė Samolytė (cello)
Duration: 50 minutes
Premiere: April 4, 2009, Russian Drama Theatre of Lithuania (Chamber Hall), 2nd Short Opera Festival NOA
In June 2009, sound recording of opera Mammy Moo was made (sound director Arūnas Zujus), which, along with other short operas of NOA festival was released on a triple CD as part of the Vilnius European Capital of Culture 2009 project Music Laboratory Network “Process”: Sound Recording Laboratory.
In 2009, the performance was also showcased at the “Opera Night” of the Culture Night 2009 project (Teachers’ House yard in Vilnius). Later, this opera was produced and staged by Keistuolių Theatre.