Premiere of Telephone Booth Opera in Vilnius and a Good Day in Vilkaviškis

2023 12 01

As the last month of the year begins, “Operomanija” (together with the Lithuanian National Drama Theatre (LNDT) and the Lithuanian National Opera and Ballet Theatre (LNOBT)) invites you to the premiere of the telephone booth opera Things I Didn’t Dare to Say and It’s Too Late Now (by Kamilė Gudmonaitė, Dominykas Digimas, Barbora Šulniūtė) on 1, 2 and 3 December. The performance is presented at the Great Hall of LNDT, marking its opening after a long phase of renovation. Since the tickets for the evening (6.30 pm) premieres on all three days were quickly sold out, an additional daytime performance has been announced for Saturday, 2 December at 3:30 pm, for which tickets are also no longer available.

While preparing for the premiere, we also invite you to take a look behind the scenes of the opera – series of short videos present the unique co-production born out of the cooperation of three organisations and the creative team behind it.

Following the November tour of the works produced by “Operomanija” in France, the United Kingdom and Lithuania, we will conclude this year’s touring with a visit to Vilkaviškis. On 7 December at 6 pm, the opera for 10 cashiers, supermarket sounds and piano Have a Good Day! (by Vaiva Grainytė, Lina Lapelytė, Rugilė Barzdžiukaitė) will be presented at the Vilkaviškis Culture Centre. Let us meet there!
